travel, Bike-friendly cities Cycling destinations Top cycling cities Urban cycli

Travel and Explore Top Bike-Friendly Cities for Urban Cycling

In Denmark, nine out of 10 people own a bike. There are five times more bikes than cars on the streets. This shows how dedicated Copenhagen and many other European cities are to cycling.

Copenhagen boasts a wide network of bike paths. It has influenced cities like Paris and Montreal. These places now have car-free zones and bike-sharing systems. These changes make for a better, more sustainable future.

Key Takeaways

  • Discover the world’s top bike-friendly cities, from Copenhagen’s cycling capital to Amsterdam’s biker’s paradise.
  • Explore the bike-friendly infrastructure and culture in leading U.S. cities like Portland and Minneapolis.
  • Learn about emerging urban cycling destinations, including Perth, Australia, and Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Uncover the benefits of bicycle tourism and the growing trend of sightseeing on two wheels in cities like Montreal and Paris.
  • Gain inspiration to make your own city more bike-friendly and promote sustainable, active transportation.

Discover the World’s Top Bike-Friendly Cities

Certain cities are like heaven for bike lovers. Copenhagen, the cycling capital, and Amsterdam, a biking paradise, are two of them. They have amazing bike paths and a rich bike culture. When planning your next cycling trip, think about visiting these top bike-friendly places.

Copenhagen, Denmark: The Cycling Capital

In Copenhagen, there’s a wide network of bike paths and lanes just for cyclists. They even have special Cycle Super Highways that connect 29 other areas to the main city. Nine out of 10 people in Denmark own a bike. You’ll see five bikes for every car! The city also spends a lot of money, about 40 euros per person, on making cycling better. Plus, 62% of people there ride their bikes to work or school. This makes Copenhagen the most bike-friendly city around, according to the Copenhagenize Index.

Amsterdam, Netherlands: A Biker’s Paradise

Amsterdam is a true champion for biking cities. Nearly 70% of those living there ride a bike to go to work or school. The city has many bikes to rent and easy-to-use bike paths. Its flat land and beautiful canals make it perfect for biking excursions. With no cars allowed in some parts, everyone from kids to grown-ups enjoys cycling here.

City Overall Score Key Bike-Friendly Features
Copenhagen, Denmark 90.2% Vast network of bike paths and lanes, Cycle Super Highways, 62% of commutes by bike
Utrecht, Netherlands 88.4% Aiming to double bike commutes by 2030, world’s largest bicycle parking garage
Amsterdam, Netherlands 89.3% 68% of commutes by bike, extensive bike-sharing and infrastructure
Antwerp, Belgium 73.2% Expanding bike parking, 30 km/h speed limit in 95% of streets
Strasbourg, France 70.5% 16% of commutes by bike, reallocating space from cars to bikes

“Nine out of 10 people own a bike in Denmark, and there are five times as many bikes as cars on the street.”

Urban Cycling in the USA: Best Cities for Two-Wheeled Exploration

The cycling movement is growing fast all across the United States. Travelers are finding many vibrant urban cycling spots. These places are known for being bike-friendly cities and great cycling destinations. Everywhere from the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest has top cycling cities. Here, pedal-powered adventures and two-wheeled exploration highlight the beauty of American cities.

Portland, Oregon: Pedal-Powered Adventures

Portland, Oregon, is celebrated as a bike-friendly city. It has a top rating from the League of American Bicyclists. This is because of its many bike routes and the people’s love for urban cycling. Tourists can easily join locals in biking to work. They can also enjoy rides next to the Willamette or Columbia Rivers. For a challenge, there’s the “Short, Steep, & Sweet” route, a 15-mile climb through the city’s West Hills.

About 22,000 people in Portland bike to work. That’s nearly 6 percent of its workforce. Thanks to this, Portland is a favorite cycling destination. The city invests a lot in bike-friendly stuff. This includes a good bikeshare program and many bike lanes. It’s now a leading place for urban cycling.

Minneapolis, Minnesota: Bike-Friendly Midwestern Gem

In the Midwest, Minneapolis, Minnesota, shines as well. It’s working hard to be safer and more inviting for cyclists and walkers. The city is filled with bike lanes, protected paths, and bike trails. Exploring on two wheels means enjoying the beautiful city with ease.

Minneapolis has over 1,800 bikes in its bikeshare program. This makes getting around the city super easy for visitors and locals. It scored 83 for bikeability and has many bike trails. This makes Minneapolis a top place for cycling in the USA.

“Minneapolis has a high bikeability score of 83 and a significant number of bike trails per 100,000 people, with 0.7% of workers commuting by bicycle.”

Minneapolis is perfect for both easy rides and tough adventures. The city has lots to offer for two-wheeled exploration. It’s a great place for pedal-powered adventures.

travel, Bike-friendly cities Cycling destinations Top cycling cities Urban cycling

Cities worldwide are making their streets more bike-friendly. They’re adding bike paths and lanes. These changes let people explore cities on bikes. You can check out the Cycle Super Highways of Copenhagen or enjoy car-free Sundays in Bogotá. These cycling destinations welcome travelers eager to join in on local biking culture.

Recent studies show many bike-friendly cities are in northwest Europe. This region includes the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Denmark. Utrecht highlights this trend with half of all trips taken on a bike. In Seville, the share of bike trips grew from almost none to 7% over six years, thanks to new biking opportunities.

North America has its share of vibrant biking communities. Take Montreal, Canada, for example. It has about 400 miles of bike paths. And nearly half of Montreal’s adults ride bikes weekly. In Portland, Oregon, there are 65 miles of bike paths and more. About 8% of the population uses bikes as their main way to get around.

Whether in Europe or North America, these cities are perfect for exploring with a bike. You’ll get to enjoy the unbeatable feeling of travel and urban cycling up close.

“Cycling is the closest thing we have to an emission-free, zero-impact means of personal transportation.” – Chris Boardman, former professional cyclist

International Hotspots for Bicycle Tourism

Bicycle tourism is now big, attracting people worldwide. Major cities like Montreal and Paris are leading the way. They have not only bike-friendly streets but also breathtaking scenery. This makes them perfect for any biking enthusiast.

Montreal, Canada: Francophone Cycling Charm

Montreal offers over 435 miles of bike paths. It’s perfect for exploring on two wheels. You can ride through beautiful parks and friendly neighborhoods. Plus, you get to try amazing local food while enjoying the city’s lively spirit.

Montreal has made a big push for sustainable urban living. This makes it a top spot for bicycle tourism.

Paris, France: Sightseeing on Two Wheels

Paris shines as a cycling destination. It has a great bike-sharing system. This lets you ride past famous sights like the Eiffel Tower with ease. By choosing to cycle, you also help keep the city green.

Pair cobblestone streets with grand boulevards, and you get a diverse biking experience. These cities truly stand out, offering unforgettable journeys for all biking lovers. Whether you’re just starting or you’re a biking pro, these places will make your time truly special.

“Cycling is the closest thing we have to a cure-all magic thing that could solve so many of our problems, and it’s not being pursued with anywhere near the same kind of intensity that it deserves.”
– Mikael Colville-Andersen, Urban Design Consultant

Emerging Urban Cycling Destinations

Cities are getting bigger around the world, with more than half of us living in them. This means there’s a big need for ways to get around that are good for the planet. Luckily, many cities are starting to love bikes more, making it easy and safe to cycle around.

Perth, Australia: Coastal Trails and Bush Tracks

Perth, out on Australia’s west coast, is becoming known for its biking. It has a vast Perth Bicycle Network that includes many miles of paths and special roads for bikes. One popular path is the Kep Track, which is flat and goes through beautiful countryside. It lets riders see amazing views of the coast while they cycle.

Bogotá, Colombia: Car-Free Sundays for Cyclists

In South America, Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is improving cycling too. It has created a big network of bike paths, called ciclorrutas, that cover the city. Every week, on car-free Sundays, people can cycle through Bogotá without worrying about cars. This has made cycling more popular and helped make the city’s air cleaner.

“In 1800, six percent of humans lived in cities; now more than half of the global population resides in urban areas.”

More and more, big cities are working on better ways for everyone to travel. Perth and Bogotá are great examples, showing how cycling can be a top choice for getting around. They’re focusing on making the city more bike-friendly, and it’s paying off.


The world is focusing more on moving around in ways that are good for the planet. This means it’s a great time for people to see amazing, bike-friendly cities. These places, like Copenhagen and Amsterdam, are perfect for biking.

You can rent a bike or join a bike-sharing program to explore. It’s a fun and green way to travel. It lets you see beautiful streets or nature while feeling free. The joy of biking in cities is a special travel memory.

More and more cities are making it easy to bike around. They are adding paths and making rules to keep bikers safe. So, for your next trip, why not pick a top city for biking? You’ll see and feel things that are only possible on a bike.


What is the 2024 City Ratings program?

It’s a big year for the 2024 City Ratings program. A record 183 U.S. cities scored above 50. They stand out for their great bike infrastructure, biking culture, and commitment to safety.

What makes Copenhagen a cycling utopia?

Copenhagen is perfect for bikers. It has many bike paths and lanes, and Cycle Super Highways connecting 29 areas to the city. Nearly everyone owns a bike in Denmark. There are five times as many bikes as cars.

How does Amsterdam’s biking culture stand out?

Amsterdam shines as a top place for biking. 68% of its people bike to work or school. The city has great bike-sharing programs and infrastructure. This makes exploring Amsterdam by bike easy and fun for everyone.

What makes Portland a top cycling destination in the U.S.?

Portland stands at the top with its platinum rating for bikes. It has a vast system of bike routes and supports bike culture. People can enjoy biking with others in the city, by beautiful rivers, and on challenging trails.

How has Minneapolis become more bike-friendly?

Minneapolis is also improving for bikers and walkers. It added miles of bike lanes and safe paths. This lets people enjoy the city more on bikes.

What other international bike-friendly destinations are highlighted?

Montreal, Paris, Perth, and Bogotá are stand-out places for biking too. These cities have built a lot of bike paths and have policies that support biking. They are ideal for travelers who want to see places without using cars.